Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Favorite Tv Shows No Longer Airing 1: One Tree Hill

Favorite TV Shows No Longer Airing

Got pic off of Google.

From Gossip Girl to One Tree Hill, there are a ton of shows that where life changing and meaningful to so many. TV Shows can mean different things to different people. I am the type of person that analyzes every thing that is said and done and every episode. I have learned a lot of things about myself and others.  The shows that I will discuss have changed my life in ways I can't even fully explain, but i will try my best too.  These shows may mean something different to you and changed you in different ways, but this is how i saw them and what they did for me. <3

Always and Forever, Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything, Your art matters, It's what got me here, These are just some of the memorable quotes from my all time favorite TV-show. I was late joining the party to this world-wide sensation. I did not start watching it until the final season had almost finished airing. Luckily that is what Netflix is for. I watch all 9 seasons within a month. I could not turn my TV off once I started watching. I always wanted to know what happened next and wanted to know then.
This show thought me that friendships are the most important thing. That if you truly love your your friends, you can get through anything. If Brooke and Peyton can be friends after everything they went through, I think anything is possible. It also taught me that it is important to chase your dreams, and don't be afraid to try something new. You only have one life, so live it the way you truly want to. If you want to me a Musician, Pro Basketball Player, Fashion designer, or Record Label Owner, then do it. Don't let anyone get in the way of your dream. Making yourself happy, will lead to a happy life. Don't ever be afraid to do something because someone told you can't, or you are afraid it won't work. You will never know till you try. If people tell you you can't do something and don't believe in you, then you don't need them in your life. You need people to encourage you to chase your dreams and not compromise while doing it. The third thing One Tree Hill taught me is to LOVE, and to LOVE HARD.  If you love somebody then go for it. Don't hold back your feelings because your afraid, you will never know how the other person feels until you try. You may get hurt and it may not turn out the way you wanted, but knowing that you tried and that you put your feelings out there will make you feel better. You won't look back and regret not going for your one true love because you were to scares. Nathan and Haley are the perfect example of a couple you would have never thought would end up together or last very long. They are my inspiration. I know it is all scripted and i know its fake, but even so it proves that true love is real. They over came so much in the course of 9 seasons and every obstacle they got through made there love stronger.
My favorite two characters in the show were Peyton Sawyer and Lucas Scott. I loved them and their relationship. If I had to choose who I would want to be in the show it would be P.Sawyer. I love how she has a dark side and I love how she has a happy side, and that they work perfectly together. I wish that Sawyer and Scotts characters had continued on throughout the series. That is the only thing i wish had chafed about this show. Otherwise, this show hit every major point in life and touched on some very important issues. When they touched on these issues, they did so flawlessly.

Favorite Season:  Season 6
Favorite Episode(s): 06X23,06X24,08X11
Favorite Actor: James Lafferty
Favorite Actress: Sophia Bush
Favorite Character(s): Peyton Sawyer and Lucas Scott
Favorite Moment: In 06X01, When it is revealed that Lucas called Peyton from the airport, and asked her to marry him.

The Next Tv Show I will be reviewing is Gossip Girl. Check back later for that post and my thoughts and  review of my Wednesday shows Chicago P.D. and CSI: Cyber.

Always and Forever
Ashlyn Belle

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